Move Forward with Fortitude


We’re not at the end, we’re at the beginning. As the world starts to return to the office, we’re realising that the office doesn’t look like it used to. Before the Coronavirus hit, the last decade has been about understanding a VUCA world (Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) – and to be honest we struggled with that! So get ready for VUCA on steroids – what was challenging before is even more so now.

So what’s going to get us through?

In her best-selling book ‘GRIT – Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success’, Angela Duckworth may well have found the answer. Grit – the ability to persist with passion through what will undoubtedly be some of our most challenging times ahead, is fast becoming top of the list of desired leadership capabilities.

The G.R.I.T series helps leaders build the core skills and knowledge required to lead into the future, with fortitude.


 The GRIT Series consists of 5 virtual workshops:

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Contact us for more information on how we can help your leaders grow their GRIT